Welcome to Eeks.org

Willy and The Eeks


This page is dedicated to Mylinda, way out in California, who is definitely an EEK, if she wants to be. We see her all too infrequently and miss her a lot. Here's sending her good thoughts and much love.

What Is All This?

If your reaction to this page is something along the lines of "What the heck is all this, anyway?", check out the Ancient Legends page for the answers you seek.

Important Notices

Our hearts and prayers are out to you, Emmy. We love you.

Happy first birthday, Cara, who turns one on February 26th! Good work!

EEK News

EEKS.ORG has sat idle for a while, but now things are happening like nobody's business:

Apologies on a Work In Progress

The careful eekophile might have noticed that the eekographies do not actually exist at this point. Also, the photo gallery hasn't had any new additions since Jimmy's 6th birthday and, alas, he's about to turn 9 soon. Sorry about that. We'll get right on it. Umm, yeah, that's it. Seriously, though, feel free to bother Momeek about it whenever you get a minute.